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Sage Custom Integration - Field details that are available.

Name Label Prefix Postfix Minlength Maxlength Widthhint Padding Alignment Casesensitive Allcaps Dp Minvalue Maxvalue Validchars Validformat Tooltip Sample Default Nature Storage Usage Primary Key Details
ACCOUNT_REF A/C 0 8 8 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ Account Reference SKYEWR01 Text String RequiredUse > The account reference for the transaction.
AMOUNT_PAID Amount Paid 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Amount paid 5 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Amount paid.
BANK_CODE B/C 4 8 8 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ Bank account code 0 Text String OptionalUse > The bank code.
BANK_FLAG Bank_flag 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank_flag 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Bank_flag
CURRENCY Currency 1 2 2 RightAlignment N N 0 0 99 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]?[0-9]$ Transaction currency 1 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > Transaction Currency. Sage Documentation at Sage v7 says <em>Not Used</em>, but it appears to be the document account currency.
CURRENCY_USED Currency Used 1 2 2 RightAlignment N N 0 0 99 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]?[0-9]$ Currency used 6 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > Currency Used (Not Used?). Sage Documentation at Sage v7 says <em>Not Used</em>.
DATE Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Transaction Date 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date RequiredUse > The transaction date.
DATE_DUE Date_Due 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date_Due 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The DATE_DUE.
DATE_LAST_CHARGE Date_Last_Charge 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date_Last_Charge 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The DATE_LAST_CHARGE.
DELETED_FLAG Deleted_Flag 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Deleted_flag 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Deleted_flag
DETAILS Details 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Transaction details A sale Text String OptionalUse > A text description for the transaction.
ELEC_TRANS ELEC_TRANS 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Elec_trans 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Elec_trans
EURO_GROSS Euro Gross 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Gross value in Euros 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The gross invoice value in Euros (if applicable).
EURO_RATE Euro Rate 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 6 0 1000000000 ^[\.0-9]*$ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ Euro Rate 1.4 1 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Euro Rate (if applicable).
FINANCE_CHARGE FINANCE_CHARGE 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Finance_charge 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Finance_charge flag
FIRST_SPLIT FIRST_SPLIT 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ FIRST_SPLIT Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of FIRST_SPLIT.
FOREIGN_AMOUNT_PAID Foreign Amount Paid 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Foreign amount paid 5 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Foreign Amount paid.
FOREIGN_GROSS Foreign Gross 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Gross value in foreign currency 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The gross invoice value in foreign currency (if applicable).
FOREIGN_NET_AMOUNT Foreign Net Amount 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Foreign net Amount 5 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Foreign Net Amount.
FOREIGN_RATE Foreign Rate 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 6 0 1000000000 ^[\.0-9]*$ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ Foreign Rate 1.4 1 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Foreign Rate (if applicable).
FOREIGN_TAX_AMOUNT Foreign Tax Amount 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Foreign tax Amount 5 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Foreign Tax Amount.
INTEREST_RATE Interest Rate 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 6 0 1000000000 ^[\.0-9]*$ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ Interest Rate 1.4 1 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Interest Rate (if applicable).
INV_REF Ref. 0 30 8 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ INV_REF A sale Text String OptionalUse > An INV_REF
JOB_REFERENCE Job Ref 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ JOB_REFERENCE A sale Text String OptionalUse > An JOB_REFERENCE
LAST_SPLIT LAST_SPLIT 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ LAST_SPLIT Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of LAST_SPLIT.
NET_AMOUNT NET_AMOUNT 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Net_amount 5 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > Net_amount.
NEXT_ACCOUNT NEXT_ACCOUNT 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ NEXT_ACCOUNT Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of NEXT_ACCOUNT.
NEXT_BANK NEXT_BANK 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ NEXT_BANK Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of NEXT_BANK.
NO_DISPUTED NO_DISPUTED 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 999 ^.*$ ^.*$ No_disputed 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Number of disputed splits
NO_OF_SPLIT NO_OF_SPLIT 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ NO_OF_SPLIT 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > NO_OF_SPLIT (Item number)
OPENING_BALANCE_TRANS Opening Bal Tran 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Is opening balance trans 0 Numeric 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Flag To State Is An Opening Balance Transaction (new v2008/v14)
PAID_FLAG Paid_flag 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Paid_flag 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Paid_flag
POSTED_DATE POSTED_DATE 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Transaction POSTED_DATE 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date RequiredUse > The transaction POSTED_DATE.
POSTING_LOCATION POSTING_LOCATION 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Posting_location 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Transaction posted from
PREV_ACCOUNT PREV_ACCOUNT 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ PREV_ACCOUNT Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of PREV_ACCOUNT.
PREV_BANK PREV_BANK 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ PREV_BANK Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of PREV_BANK.
PRINTED_FLAG Printed_Flag 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Printed_flag 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Printed_flag
PROTX_REFN PROTX Ref. 0 40 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ PROTX Reference 12345-12345 Text String OptionalUse > PROTX Reference (new v2008/v14)
REVALUATION_TRANS Revaluation Tran 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Is revaluation trans 0 Numeric 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Flag To State Is a Revaluation Transaction (new v2008/v14)
RECON_DATE RECON_DATE 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ RECON_DATE 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The RECON_DATE.
SETT_DISCOUNT_RATE Sett Disc% 0 5 5 RightAlignment N N 2 0 99.99 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Settlement discount percentage 5 0 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The percentage discount allowed for early payment.
TAX_AMOUNT Tax 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 0 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Item Tax value 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The Tax value for the item.
TYPE Type 0 3 2 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 25 ^[A-Z]*$ ^[A-Z]?[A-Z]?[A-Z]$ Transaction type code 1 Enumerated 2ByteInt OptionalUse > <validentry>UN</validentry> <validentry>SI</validentry> <validentry>SC</validentry> <validentry>SR</validentry> <validentry>SA</validentry> <validentry>SD</validentry> <validentry>PI</validentry> <validentry>PC</validentry> <validentry>PP</validentry> <validentry>PA</validentry> <validentry>PD</validentry> <validentry>BP</validentry> <validentry>BR</validentry> <validentry>CP</validentry> <validentry>CR</validentry> <validentry>JD</validentry> <validentry>JC</validentry> <validentry>VP</validentry> <validentry>VR</validentry> <validentry>CC</validentry> <validentry>CD</validentry> <validentry>PAI</validentry> <validentry>PAO</validentry> <validentry>CO</validentry> <validentry>SP</validentry> <validentry>PR</validentry> Type code for the transaction.
UNIQUE_REF UNIQUE_REF 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ UNIQUE_REF 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > UNIQUE_REF.
USER_NAME User 0 32 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ user name A sale Text String OptionalUse > User name.
VAT_FLAG Vat_flag 0 1 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 1 ^.*$ ^.*$ Vat_flag 0 Numeric 1ByteInt ReservedUse > Vat_flag
RecordNumber RecordNumber 0 10 10 0 RightAlignment N N 0 0 2147483647 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ Record number 12 PaddedNumeric None SpecialUse primary="Y" > The record number. A pseudo primary index. </header> </sydd>

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