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Making I.T. Happen
Accounting and Information Technology Assistance and Support
Sage Custom Integration - Field details that are available.

Name Label Prefix Postfix Minlength Maxlength Widthhint Padding Alignment Casesensitive Allcaps Dp Minvalue Maxvalue Validchars Validformat Tooltip Sample Default Nature Storage Usage Primary Key Details
ACCOUNT_REF A/C 0 8 8 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ Account Reference SKYEWR01 Text String SpecialUse primary="Y" > The account reference for the account, usually used to identify and sequence accounts.<br>Valid references consist of uppercase letters or numbers or both. As well as letters and numbers you may use <strong>-_</strong> and <strong>&</strong>. Spaces are not allowed.Numbers sort before letters, so ACC9 appears before ACCA.
ACCOUNT_ON_HOLD On Hold 1 1 1 NoAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[01FNTYfnty]$ ^[01FNTYfnty]$ On Hold Status 1 0 Boolean 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Indicates whether the account is <em>On Hold</em>.
ACCOUNT_OPENED A/C Opened 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date Account Opened 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date the account was opened. Knowing how long an account has been open can be useful when making numerous judgements, such as deciding on credit terms.
ACCOUNT_STATUS Status 0 2 2 RightAlignment N N 0 0 99 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9][0-9]?$ Account status 10 0 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The status for the account
ADDRESS_1 Street1 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Address Line 1 Unit 1 Text String OptionalUse > The address for the account.
ADDRESS_2 Street2 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Address Line 2 High Street Text String OptionalUse > The address for the account.
ADDRESS_3 Town 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Address Line 3 Sometown Text String OptionalUse > The address for the account.
ADDRESS_4 County 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Address Line 4 Someshire Text String OptionalUse > The address for the account.
ADDRESS_5 Post Code 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Address Line 5 ZZ00 00AA Text String OptionalUse > The address for the account.
ANALYSIS_1 Analysis1 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ An account analysis field Some Account Analysis Data Text String OptionalUse > A text based analysis field.
ANALYSIS_2 Analysis2 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ An account analysis field Some Account Analysis Data Text String OptionalUse > A text based analysis field.
ANALYSIS_3 Analysis3 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ An account analysis field Some Account Analysis Data Text String OptionalUse > A text based analysis field.
BACS On-line Payment 1 1 1 NoAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[01FNTYfnty]$ ^[01FNTYfnty]$ On-line payment? 1 0 Boolean 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Account flagged for BACS.
BACS_REFERENCE BACS Ref 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ BACS reference 1023456678 Text String OptionalUse > BACS reference for the account.
BALANCE Balance 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Account current balance 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The recorded balance for the account
BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME Account Name 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank account name Sinn-se Text String OptionalUse > Bank account name for the account.
BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER Account No. 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank account number 0 Text String OptionalUse > Bank account number for the account.
BANK_ADDITIONAL_REF1 Street 1 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank additional ref Rudegin Text String OptionalUse > Bank additional ref line for the account.
BANK_ADDITIONAL_REF2 Street 2 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank additional ref Rudegin Eile Text String OptionalUse > Bank additional ref line for the account.
BANK_ADDITIONAL_REF3 Town 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank additional ref Baile Text String OptionalUse > Bank additional ref line for the account.
BANK_ADDRESS_1 Street 1 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank address Rudegin Text String OptionalUse > Bank address line for the account.
BANK_ADDRESS_2 Street 2 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank address Rudegin Eile Text String OptionalUse > Bank address line for the account.
BANK_ADDRESS_3 Town 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank address Baile Text String OptionalUse > Bank address line for the account.
BANK_ADDRESS_4 County 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank address Siorrachd Text String OptionalUse > Bank address line for the account.
BANK_ADDRESS_5 Post Code 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank address ZZ99 9ZZ Text String OptionalUse > Bank address line for the account.
BANK_BICSWIFT BIC/Swift 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ BIC/Swift number Duine neo Eile Text String OptionalUse > BIC/Swift number for the account.
BANK_IBAN IBAN 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank IBAN Number Duine neo Eile Text String OptionalUse > IBAN number for the account.
BANK_NAME Bank Name 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank name Duine neo Eile Text String OptionalUse > Bank name for the account.
BANK_ROLL_NUMBER Roll Number 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank roll number 123456789-123 Text String OptionalUse > Bank roll number for the account.
BANK_SORT_CODE Sort Code 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Bank sort code 00-00-00 Text String OptionalUse > Bank sort code for the account.
BUILD_SOCIETY_REF Building Society Ref 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Building Society transfer reference 123456789-123 Text String OptionalUse > Reference for Building Society Transfer for the account.
BUILDING_SOCIETY Building Society? 0 2 2 RightAlignment N N 0 0 99 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9][0-9]?$ Account uses Building Society? 10 0 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The Building Society status for the account
CAN_APPLY_CHARGES Can charge credit 1 1 1 NoAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[01FNTYfnty]$ ^[01FNTYfnty]$ Apply credit charges? 1 0 Boolean 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Indicates whether credit charges can be applied to the account.
CONTACT_NAME Contact name 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Contact Duine Gasda Text String OptionalUse > A contact name for the account. This is usually the accounts contact.
COUNTRY_CODE Country Code 0 2 2 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[A-Z0-9]*$ ^[A-Z0-9]*$ Country Code GB Text String OptionalUse > The account country code.
CREDIT_APPLIED_FOR Application Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Credit application date 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date on which credit was applied for.
CREDIT_BUREAU Bureau 0 3 3 RightAlignment N N 0 0 999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?$ Credit bureau 1 0 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The credit bureau used for checks on the account.
CREDIT_LIMIT Credit Limit 0 12 12 RightAlignment N N 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Account Credit Limit 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The credit limit for the account
CREDIT_REFERENCE Credit Ref. 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account credit bureau reference A4934875G Text String OptionalUse > The credit bureau reference for the account.
CURRENCY Currency 1 2 2 LeftAlignment Y N 0 0 99 ^[0-9]*$ ^[1-9]?[0-9]$ Default currency for account 10 Text 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The type of curency that the account uses.
DATE_CREDIT_APP_RECEIVED Date Received 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date credit application received 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date when credit application for account was received.
DEF_NOM_CODE Def. N/C 4 8 8 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ Default Nominal account code 0 Text String OptionalUse > The nominal code to be used by default for transactions associated with the account.
DEF_TAX_CODE Tax Code T 0 3 3 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 99 ^[0-9]*$ ^[1-9]?[0-9]$ Default tax code 1 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The tax code to be used by default for transactions associated with the account
DEL_ADDRESS_1 Street1 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account delivery address line 1 Floor 1, Building A Text String OptionalUse > The delivery address for the account.
DEL_ADDRESS_2 Street2 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account delivery address line 2 High Street Text String OptionalUse > The delivery address for the account.
DEL_ADDRESS_3 Town 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account delivery address line 3 Atown Text String OptionalUse > The delivery address for the account.
DEL_ADDRESS_4 County 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account delivery address line 4 Ashire Text String OptionalUse > The delivery address for the account.
DEL_ADDRESS_5 Post Code 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account delivery address line 5 ZZ99 00ZZ Text String OptionalUse > The delivery address for the account.
DEL_CONTACT_NAME Contact name 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Delivery Contact Te Boidheachd Text String OptionalUse > A delivery contact name for the account. This is usually the accounts contact.
DEL_TELEPHONE Del Telephone 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account delivery telephone number 0000 00000000 Text String OptionalUse > The delivery telephone number for the account.
DEL_FAX Del Fax 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Delivery fax number 1111 00000000 Text String OptionalUse > The delivery fax number for the account.
DEL_NAME Name 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Location Name A Sample Delivery Name Text String OptionalUse > The name associated with the delivery address.
DEPT_NUMBER Dept 0 3 3 RightAlignment N N 0 0 999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?$ Default account department 100 0 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The department to be used by default for actions associated with the account
DISCOUNT_RATE Disc. % 0 5 5 RightAlignment N N 2 0 99.99 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Standard discount percentage 10 0 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The default simple discount allowed for the account
DISCOUNT_TYPE Additional Disc. 0 2 2 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 6 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ Additional discount scheme type 3 0 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The type of discount scheme to be used for standard additional discounts
DUNS_NUMBER Duns Number 0 9 9 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Duns Number 123456789 Text String OptionalUse > Duns Number for the account (new Sage 50 v2008/v14).
E_MAIL E-mail 0 255 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account email address info@skyewright.co.uk Text String OptionalUse > The email address for the account.
FAX Fax 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account fax number 1111 11111111 Text String OptionalUse > The fax number for the account.
FIRST_HEADER FIRST_HEADER 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ FIRST_HEADER Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of FIRST_HEADER.
FIRST_INVOICE First Invoice 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ First Account Invoice 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date of the earliest invoice on the account.
HOLD_MAIL Restrict mailing 1 1 1 NoAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[01FNTYfnty]$ ^[01FNTYfnty]$ Hold back mail 1 0 Boolean 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Indicates whether mailing should be restricted on the account.
LAST_CREDIT_REV Last Credit Review 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Last Credit Review Date 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date that credit status for the account was last reviewed.
LAST_HEADER LAST_HEADER 0 10 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 999999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ LAST_HEADER Pos. 21 0 Numeric 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Position of LAST_HEADER.
LAST_INV_DATE Last Invoice 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Last Account Invoice 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date of the latest invoice on the account.
LAST_PAY_DATE Last Payment 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Last payment date 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date of the latest payment on the account.
LAST_UPDATED Last Updated 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date of last update 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > Date of last update.
NAME Name 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Name A Sample Company Name Text String OptionalUse > The company associated with the account.
NEXT_CREDIT_REV Next Credit Review 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Next Credit Review Date 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > The date that credit status for the account should next be reviewed.
OVERRIDE_PRODUCT_TAX Override Product Tax 1 1 1 NoAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[01FNTYfnty]$ ^[01FNTYfnty]$ Product Tax Code override status Y 0 Boolean 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Indicates whether product based tax codes should be overriden for the account.
PAYMENT_DUE_DAYS Pay Due Days 0 3 3 RightAlignment N N 0 0 999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?$ Time in days allowed for normal payment 21 Text 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The number of days in which payment of an invoice is due for outstanding invoices
PRICE_LIST_REF Price List 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account price list SPECIAL Text String OptionalUse > The price list to be used with the the account (if any).
PRIOR_YEAR Prior Year 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Account turnover for prior year 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The recorded turnover for the account in the prior financial year.
PRIORITY_SUPPLIER Priority Customer 1 1 1 NoAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[01FNTYfnty]$ ^[01FNTYfnty]$ Priority Customer Flag 1 0 Boolean 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Indicates customer priority.
RECORD_CREATE_DATE Create Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date of creation 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > Date of record creation
RECORD_DELETED Deleted 0 7 1 LeftAlignment N N 0 -9999999 9999999 ^[0-9\-]*$ ^[0-9\-]*$ Deleted flag 1 0 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > Record deleted flag.
RECORD_MODIFY_DATE Modify Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date of modification 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date OptionalUse > Date of last modification
SALES_REP Sales Rep 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Name of sales representative Domhnall Text String OptionalUse > Name of sales representative for account.
SETTLEMENT_DISC_RATE Sett. Discount 0 5 5 RightAlignment N N 2 0 99.99 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Early settlement discount percentage 5 0 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The default percentage discount allowed for early payment by the account
SETTLEMENT_DUE_DAYS Sett. Due Days 0 3 3 RightAlignment N N 0 0 999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?$ Days for early settlement discount 7 Numeric 2ByteInt OptionalUse > The limit, in days, for payment of invoices on the account to qualify for early settlement discount
TELEPHONE Telephone 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account telephone number 0000 00000000 Text String OptionalUse > The telephone number for the account.
TELEPHONE_2 Telephone 2 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Second telephone number 0000 00000000 Text String OptionalUse > Second telephone number for the account.
TERMS Terms 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account payment terms 21 Days Text String OptionalUse > A brief text description of the terms available to the account
TERMS_AGREED_FLAG Terms Agreed 1 1 1 NoAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[01FNTYfnty]$ ^[01FNTYfnty]$ Terms Agreed Status 1 0 Boolean 1ByteInt OptionalUse > Indicates whether credit terms have been agreed for the account.
TRADE_CONTACT Trade contact 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account Trade Contact Te Bheag Text String OptionalUse > A trade contact name for the account.
TURNOVER_MTD Turnover MTD 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Account turnover month to date 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The recorded turnover so far this month for the account
TURNOVER_YTD Turnover YTD 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Account turnover year to date 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The recorded turnover so far this year for the account
VAT_REG_NUMBER VAT Number 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account VAT registration number GB 000 0000 00 Text String OptionalUse > The VAT registration number for the account.
WWW WWW 0 255 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Account web address www.skyewright.co.uk Text String OptionalUse > The website URL for the account. </header> </sydd>

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