03333 445950




Making I.T. Happen
Accounting and Information Technology Assistance and Support
Sage Custom Integration - Field details that are available.

Name Label Prefix Postfix Minlength Maxlength Widthhint Padding Alignment Casesensitive Allcaps Dp Minvalue Maxvalue Validchars Validformat Tooltip Sample Default Nature Storage Usage Primary Key Details
Address1 Street1 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site Address Line 1 Unit 1 Text String OptionalUse > The address for the project site.
Address2 Street2 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site Address Line 2 High Street Text String OptionalUse > The address for the project site.
Address3 Town 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site Address Line 3 Sometown Text String OptionalUse > The address for the project site.
Address4 County 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site Address Line 4 Someshire Text String OptionalUse > The address for the project site.
Address5 Post Code 0 60 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site Address Line 5 ZZ00 00AA Text String OptionalUse > The address for the project site.
Analysis1 Analysis1 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ An account analysis field Some Account Analysis Data Text String OptionalUse > A text based analysis field.
Analysis2 Analysis2 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ An account analysis field Some Account Analysis Data Text String OptionalUse > A text based analysis field.
Analysis3 Analysis3 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ An account analysis field Some Account Analysis Data Text String OptionalUse > A text based analysis field.
BilledNet Billed Net 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Billed net value 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble SpecialUse > The net amount already billed (Read Only)
BilledVAT Billed VAT 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Billed VAT value 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble SpecialUse > The VAT amount already billed (Read Only)
Contact Contact name 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site Contact Duine Gasda Text String OptionalUse > A contact name for the project site.
Country Country 0 2 2 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[A-Z0-9]*$ ^[A-Z0-9]*$ Project country GB Text String RequiredUse > The country for the project.
Customer Customer 0 8 8 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ Account Reference SKYEWR01 Text String SpecialUse > The account reference for the customer account.<br>Valid references consist of uppercase letters or numbers or both. As well as letters and numbers you may use <strong>-_</strong> and <strong>&</strong>. Spaces are not allowed..
Description Description 0 255 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Project description A sample description Text String OptionalUse > The description for the project.
EMail E-mail 0 255 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Project email address info@skyewright.co.uk Text String OptionalUse > The email address for the project.
EndDate End Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date project ends 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date RequiredUse > The date the project ends.
Fax Fax 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site fax number 1111 11111111 Text String OptionalUse > The fax number for the site.
LastBilledDate Last Billed Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date last billed 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date SpecialUse > The date the project last billed. (Read Only)
LastCostDate Last Cost Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date of last cost 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date SpecialUse > The date the last cost was added to the project. (Read Only)
Name Name 0 255 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Project Name A Sample Name Text String RequiredUse > The name associated with the project.
OrderNumber Order No. 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Project order number 012345/Z Text String OptionalUse > An order number.
OutstandingToBill Outstanding to Bill 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Value to be billed 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble SpecialUse > The value yet to be billed (Read Only)
PriceQuoted Price Quoted 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Project price quoted 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The project price quoted
ProfitToDate Profit to Date 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Total profit to date 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble SpecialUse > The project profit to date (Read Only)
ProjectID Project ID 0 7 10 RightAlignment Y Y 0 0 9999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ Unique identifier 21 Text 4ByteInt SpecialUse > Auto-generated Unique identifier for the Project.
Reference Reference 0 8 8 LeftAlignment Y Y 0 0 0 ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ Project Reference SKYEWR01 Text String SpecialUse primary="Y" > The reference for the project.<br>Valid references consist of uppercase letters or numbers or both. As well as letters and numbers you may use <strong>-_</strong> and <strong>&</strong>. Spaces are not allowed..
StartDate Start Date 0 10 10 LeftAlignment N N 0 2440588 2488069 ^[0-9 /]*$ ^(?:\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|\d\d\d\d\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)$ Date project started 2451158 JulianDateNumber Date RequiredUse > The date the project was started.
Status Status 0 15 15 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ ^[A-Z0-9#_/!%&\.\-\$\(\)\042\054']*$ Project status ACTIVE Text String OptionalUse > The status for the project
Telephone Telephone 0 30 30 LeftAlignment N N 0 0 0 ^.*$ ^.*$ Site telephone number 0000 00000000 Text String OptionalUse > The telephone number for the site.
TotalBilled Total Billed 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Total billed value 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble SpecialUse > The total billed to date (Read Only)
TotalBudget Total Budget 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Total budget value 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble OptionalUse > The total budget value
TotalCost Total Cost 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Total cost value 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble SpecialUse > The total cost value (Read Only)
Transactions Transactions 0 2 2 RightAlignment N N 0 0 999999 ^[0-9]*$ ^[0-9]*$ Project transactions 10 0 Numeric 2ByteInt SpecialUse > The transaction count for the project (Read Only)
Variance Variance 0 12 12 RightAlignment Y Y 2 -99999999.99 1000000000 ^[\+\-\.0-9]*$ ^[\+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$ Variance value 1000 Numeric 8ByteDouble SpecialUse > The Total Budget less the Total Cost (Read Only) </header> </sydd>

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This Sage 50 import website is copyright Making I.T. Happen 2022